
Personal Evangelism

Class meets at 2:00 - 2:50 in ABS 103



Spring 1997

Jan. 6--Introduction to Class. Why do personal work?

Jan. 8--The basic strategy. Focus on Jesus.

Jan. 13--The Process of Conversion. Filmstrips-videos. Correspondence courses. Assign paper on a Bible case of personal work.

Jan. 15--Open Bible Study and other methods. Remind of paper on Bible cases of personal work.

Jan. 20--Attitudes and personal attributes

Jan. 22--Making contacts. Paper due on a Bible case of personal work.

Jan. 27--Review and discussion of methods. Test 1 (15 minutes) over Basic Strategy and Methods and Materials for personal work. Bring workbooks to class on Jan. 29.

Jan. 29--How to Explain Belief in God

Feb. 3--How to Explain the Bible as the Word of God

Feb. 5--Test 2 on God, Bible. Lesson on How to Explain Translations and Versions

Feb. 10-- How to Explain the Departure and Return

Feb. 12--Test 3 on Translations, Versons, Departure, Return. Lesson on How to Explain Denominationalism

Feb. 17--How to Explain "Faith Only."

Feb. 19--How to Explain Baptism

Feb. 24--How to Explain "Once Saved, Always Saved." (God's Second Law of Pardon)

Feb. 26--Test 4 on Denominationalism, "Faith Only" and Baptism and Second Law of Pardon. Schedule role playing times and explain what is expected.

Mar. 3--How to Explain about the Old and New Testaments.

Mar. 5--How to Explain the Holy Spirit.

Mar. 7--How to Explain Miracles Today

Mar. 10--Test 5 on Old and New Testaments, Holy Spirit and Miracles Today. Lesson on Worship and How to Explain Instrumental Music

Mar. 12--Instrumental Music continued.

Mar. 17, 19--Spring Break

Mar. 24--How to Explain Catholic Doctrines

Mar. 26--Catholic Doctrines continued. Role playing starts out of class.

Mar. 31--Test 6 on Instrumental Music, Old and New Testaments and Catholic Doctrines. Lesson on How to Explain about the Signs, the Rapture and Tribulation and Armageddon.

Apr. 2--How to Explain about Signs from Matthew 24

Apr. 7--How to Explain about Armageddon

Apr. 9--How to Explain about the 1000 Year Reign. The Kingdom.

Apr. 14-Test 7 on Signs, Rapture, Tribulation, Armageddon, 1000-Year Reign, Kingdom.

Apr. 16--Review. Lesson on Acts 2 and 8.

Apr. 23, Wednesday, April 23, 8 to 9:50 a.m .--Final Exam



RE 4312

Personal evangelism is a course designed to prepare a person to teach the gospel one-on-one or in small, private groups. Students will learn about a wide variety of materials and approaches to private study and about various ways to find prospects. Most of the course is designed to prepare students to deal with various doctrinal questions that arise when discussing the Bible with others. Since most of these questions are controversial, the teacher presents the view he believes most in harmony with scripture and expects students to be able to explain that view on examinations. Students may, of course, ask questions, differ, or present opposing views in class. These will be deal with respectfully.


Course Objectives:

1. The student can tell the basic story of the Bible in a way that puts the focus on coming to Jesus as Savior.

2. The student can list and explain the process by which a person changes from the world to Christ.

3. The student can describe in detail major approaches to personal teaching such as film strips, video tapes, God Makes a Man, Open Bible Study, World Bible School, and others.

4. The student can list and explain a variety of methods for locating prospects and initiating private Bible study.

5. The student can exhibit in role-playing the qualities and knoweldge for effective personal work.

6. The student can analyze the personal encounters Jesus and other Bible characters had with an individual in spiritual need.

7. The student can explain the teaching of the scriptures in a simple but convincing way on points often encountered in personal evangelism such as:

a. belief in God

b. belief in the Bible as an inerrant revelation from God

c. translations and versions

d. the departure from apostolic doctrine and the return

e. the plan of salvation

f. denominationalism

g. salvation by faith only

h. once saved, always saved

i. miracles today?

k. instrumental music

l. was Peter the first Pope?

m. should we keep the Sabbath?

n. Old and New Testaments

o. Signs, Rapture, Tribulation, Armageddon, Millennial Kingdom?

8. The student can use such key chapters in the New Testament as Acts 2 and 8 to explain key doctrines.


1. The student will have one comprehensive final exam and seven short weekly tests.

2. There will be class participation in question and answer and role-playing.

3. The student will submit a notebook covering notes, tests, and classhandouts. The student should also include in the notebook useful materials gathered from outside of class.

4. The student will submit a report on one experience in personal work done during the trimester of the class.

5. The student will make a written report on a personal encounter Jesus or other Bible character had with someone.


1. Class lectures and taking notes. Some lectures will involve the use of a workbook.

2. Audio tapes with worksheets on certain information will be available.

3. Collection of materials for a notebook.

4. Simulated personal work session with the teacher.


7 unit tests, 25 points each 175

1 final exam 100

1 notebook 50

Class role-playing 50

Out of class personal work 25

Report on a personal encounter of Jesus 25



92% to 100% -- A--391 to 425 points

85% to 91% -- B--361 to 390 points

77% to 84% -- C--327 to 360 points

70% to 76% -- D--297 to 326 points

Below 70% -- F--296 or fewer points

A student may make-up a test he/she has missed for a valid reason and may re-take one daily exam to attempt to make a higher score. A special time for taking make-up tests will be announced.




Autrey, C.E. Basic Evangelism. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1959.

Downey, Murray W. The Art of Soul-Winning. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1960.

Davis, W.M. How to Do Personal Work. Austin: Firm Foundation Publishing House.

Exum, Jack H. The Glory of the Ordinary. Sherman, TX: Jack H. Exum, 1960.

__________. The Great Commission. Fort Worth: Star Bible and Tract Corporation, 1975.

Gatewood, Otis. You Can Do Personal Work. Nashville: Williams Printing Company, 1951.

Hailey, Homer. Let's Go Fishing for Men. Abilene: Chronicle Publishing Company, 1951.

Leavell, Roland. Winning Others to Christ. Nashville: Convention Press, 1936.

Lowry, Bill. Personal Evangelism Class Book. Bartlesville: Printing, Inc., 1973.

North, Stafford. How to Explain, Teachers Guide. Oklahoma City, 1995

__________. "The 'Acts way' to evangelize is to utilize our conversations to this end."

Christian Chronicle, April, 1995.

Olford, Stephen. The Secret of Soul-Winning. Chicago: Moody Press, 1963.

Pepper, Clayton, Ed. Building an Evangelistic Church Through Total Evangelism. Abilene; Quality Productions.

Phillips,Marvin. Let's Win Souls Now! Tulsa: Marvin Phillips, 1976.

Stewart, Ivan. From House to House. Austin: Firm Foundation Publishing House, 1956.

__________. Go Ye Means Me. Arlington: Ivan Stewart, 1974.


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